About me

In my recent role of Finance Manager at PHSRF  I  supported management of  Grants for 10 wards and sub grantee implementing EpiC Project in Kinondoni and managing operational budget  with overall responsibility of program planning and budgeting ,budget management and monitoring , to ensure adherence to donor’s rules and regulations and compliance to statutory laws and donor rules and regulations, ensuring internal control are effective to safeguard the assets of the organization ,using this experience  I will be able to perform this duty as I will be playing the same role of budgeting ,budgetary control, ensuring compliance with donor policies and  compliance with statutory laws.

Also in my previous role of Finance and Administration Officer  , I gained an experience of managing development finances, reporting for multiple donors, facilitate audits and pre-award risk assessment by potential  donors, participate in grant development, supporting procurements and administrative activities for the programmes, having all these experiences I will be able to ensure organization/projects funds are spent in accordance with activity budget and donor rules and regulations, Processing financial information into QuickBook(QB) also to ensure internal controls are effective and applicable to safeguard the assets of the organization

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