Rugha Mafuru

Community Development Tutorial Assistant

About me

Community Development and Social Work Expert.

Work Experience

Community Development Turial Assistant
Excellent College of Health & Allied Science 2023-01-01 - 2024-05-10 Community Development Tutor (Lecturer) Excellent College of Health and Allied Science Mwanza Campus Jan 2023-Current Responsibilities • To prepare and develop learning materials for diploma and certificate students in Community Development professional • To facilitate learning materials to students. • To provide research consultations to diploma and certificate students • To prepare, organize and conduct community engagement practical learning through community outreach programs. • To represent the institute in different key national community development events such as annual community development week • Working as institute field work coordinator to follow up for field work placement for students practical learning in different organizations. • To facilitate in different college projects by conducting Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning (MEAL) activities.
GBV Prevention and Advocacy Officer
International Rescue Committee IRC 2017-05-01 - 2022-12-31 Sexual Gender Based-Violence (SGBV) Prevention and Advocacy Officer International Rescue Committee (IRC)-Kibondo, Tanzania. Sept 2017– Dec 2022 Responsibilities • Working to advocate the rights of vulnerable groups such as women, girls and children to access their rights through community mobilization, awareness raising mass campagn and radio programs. • Ensure that activities target all beneficiaries including women, children and Persons with specific needs and safeguard their protection, assisted, assess, and explore new and better ways to assist. • Conducting Women Empowerment Activities such as income generation through Village Savings and Lending Associations (VSLA) to support women saving and access loans in groups. • Condition GBV case management session to violence survivors including legal support and providing referral if needed. • Preparing and attending meetings (with partners and community representatives) and presenting feedback regarding the collected community concerns, suggestions, and their preferable solutions. • Participate in the preparation of the international commemoration days i.e 16 Days of activism against gender violence, Global Day of the people with disabilities, International Day of the African child, etc. • Preparing and sharing monthly donor reports consisting of sectorial trends, community rumors, challenges, achievements, and recommendations. • Facilitating gender mainstreaming capacity building trainings to national staff, partner staffs, to volunteers, incentive staff and local community leaders. • Conducting Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning (MEAL) activities to measure project baseline survey during the project start and end line survey during the project closure. Achievements. • Managed to propose new data management and collection tool. This helped the team to move from analog to digital/online database and referral systems. • Managed to train feedback officers on interviewing skills, complaints categorization, and referrals to different sectors such as Education, General protection, Environment, gender-based violence, Security, etc. • Managed to attend certified three days training on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in Kasulu 11 August to 13 August 2020 organized by the IRC and presented by Tanzania Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation (TIME). • Appointed as the IRC Gender, Equality Diversity, and Inclusion (GEDI) assistant person working to ensure equal treatment at workplace and towards the clients we serves. • Conducted GBV capacity building training to 25 adolescent girls on how they can help survivors of violence and prevent GBV for women and girls.


Bachelor Degree 2016-10-01 - 2019-10-25 Holder of Bachelor's Degree in Community Development from the Tengeru Institute of Community Development (TICD) Arusha.
Social Worker
Diploma 2013-05-10 - 2015-05-10 Studied two year diploma in Social Work from the Institute of Social Work Dar es Salaam
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