Communication Officer at Railway Children

Job Role Insights

  • Date posted


  • Closing date


  • Hiring location


  • Career level


  • Qualification

    Bachelor Degree Degree

  • Experience

    3 Years

  • Quantity

    1 person

  • Gender


Job Description

Reporting to the Strategic Liaison Manager and working closely with the Advocacy Officer and  members of the Programs Team, the Communications Officer will support in the improvement  and implementation of the communications strategy and play a strategic role in key aspects  of RCA’s communications work to ensure the story of RCA, and its work is told in a powerful,  engaging, and consistent way increasing the reach, impact and visibility of RCA.  

Furthermore, The Communications Officer will be expected to produce communications  material in English and Swahili, and also oversee the translation of key communications  products as needed. 

This position is a full-time position. The location of the position is RCA Dar es Salaam  Offices.  

Specific Responsibilities

A: Communications 

  • Lead the improvement and implementation of RCA Communications strategy. • Maintain RCA’S online media platforms (website, Facebook, LinkedIn etc) and ensure  that information is posted regularly, correctly in a way that is user friendly and  attractive. 
  • Manage RCA’S image database.  
  • Assist in the creation and distribution of Annual Reports and other major  publications. 
  • Identify and implement creative and impactful ways to amplify the work led by RCA  Programme, Advocacy and Fundraising teams, including through communications  campaigns and events, speaking opportunities, etc. 
  • Conceptualise and implement campaigns and other initiatives to leverage key  calendar opportunities (e.g. International Day for Street Connected Children,  conferences, etc.) to amplify RCA messages or initiatives. 
  • Lead and coordinate the development and production of promotional or informational  material, including beneficiaries stories/case studies, newsletters, brochures.
  • Contribute to the development and dissemination of materials to support RCA’S  fundraising initiatives. 
  • Contribute to annual and quarterly planning and budgeting of communications  activities. 
  • Develop and maintain a comprehensive database of organizations, donors, including  bilateral and multilateral agencies, UN bodies, and other stakeholders to support  targeted communication, partnership-building, and fundraising initiatives. 

B: Digital engagement and content generation  

  • Produce and/or generate unique online content (e.g. videos, infographics, photos)  that engages audience segments and leads to measurable action such as awareness raising, fundraising, list-building, etc.  
  • Assist in organizing virtual events such as tweet-a-thons, webinars, online  discussions, google hangouts, etc.  
  • Work closely with Executive Director and other members of Senior Management  Team to create and distribute emails, including newsletters, through third-party  email software.  
  • Cultivate relationships with key media outlets including newspapers, TVs, Radio  stations and bloggers to increase RCA’S reach and amplify the work done by the  organization. 

C: Capacity Building  

  • Capacitate journalists on the unique challenges faced by children living and working ,  including violence, abuse, exploitation, and neglect. 
  • Guide journalists on ethical reporting practices when covering stories involving children  living and working on the street emphasizing the importance of respecting their  privacy, dignity, and safety. 
  • Train journalists on how to conduct interviews with children living and working in a  sensitive and respectful manner. This includes obtaining informed consent from both  the child and their guardian, avoiding leading questions, and ensuring the child feels  comfortable and safe.
  • Train journalists how to avoid causing harm to children living and working through  their reporting. This includes not publishing images or stories that could put children  at risk, even if their identities are protected. 
  • Encourage journalists to provide a balanced and accurate representation of children  living and working ‘s issues, avoiding stereotypes and sensationalism. Highlight the  importance of giving children a voice and including their perspectives in stories 

D: General duties 

  • Uphold and work within Railway Children Africa’s policies and procedures. • Actively promote and embody Railway Children Africa’s core values of never give up,  have courage, earn trust, show compassion and Nature talent across the organisation  and partners.  
  • Travel to Railway Children Africa field operations as and when required. • Undertake any other duties, as appropriate to the post, as delegated by the line  manager. 
  • Conduct yourself in accordance with the rules of the Child and Adult Safeguarding  Policy and Code of Conduct in your personal and professional life – which includes  reporting suspicions of child abuse or any other breach of these policies. 

Required Experience  

  • At least three years’ experience in communications related to children’s rights.
  • Experience working on children’s rights and/or youth empowerment. 

Required knowledge  

  • University degree, or equivalent training/experience, in relevant areas of  communications, public affairs, journalism, and/or marketing.  
  • An understanding of children’s rights, and youth empowerment. 

Required Expertise & Skills:  

  • Demonstrated experience designing and implementing successful communications  initiatives and campaigns.  
  • Strong writing and editing skills, including the ability to tell a good story that inspires  people to take action.  
  • Experience in using website software, social media platforms, and social media  management tools.  
  • Expertise in animation software such as Adobe After Effects, Animate, and Toon  Boom. 
  • Strong skills in graphic design with proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator,  Photoshop) to create engaging visuals and animations. 
  • Ability to create detailed storyboards to plan and visualize animations.
  • Skills in video editing software such as Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro to produce  high-quality video content. 
  • Ability to create animations that align with the organization’s brand identity.
  • Fluency in English and Swahili.  
  • Comfort in working with a diverse team.


  • Graphic and website design skills and experience.  
  • Experience with analytics and measurement tools.  


  • Flexible can-do mentality. 
  • Alignment with core organizational values. 
  • A strong commitment to the principle of transparency and integrity in finance practices.
  • Commitment to working on the cause of children in difficult circumstances.
  • Willingness to travel extensively. 
  • Ability to work on own initiative and also as part of a team. 
  • Ability to work under pressure. 
  • Dynamism and a strong sense of ‘doing what its takes’ for the cause.

How to apply

To apply for this position, please complete the application form and return it to:
[email protected]

Please include job title applied for in email subject.

Please note that Railway Children will only accept applications made using this application form and will not accept CVs, academic certificates or covering letters.

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